Sorry I haven't kept everyone who is interested up-to-date, but it's been
a hectic week!
I took Razzle to the vet Thursday; very good news!  His BUN went down to
24.1, it was 120 the week before, the reference rage is 10-45, so he's
sitting pretty there, and his creatinine is at 0.9, down from 3.08 the
week before, reference range 0.4-0.9, so it's at the high end of normal,
but still a good sign.  He also gained about 750 grams since the week
before, too.
The vet says it looks like he's made a strong recovery, and that his
kidneys did sustain significant damage, but that they're able to somewhat
regenerate, and the remaining tissue can pick up quite a bit of slack,
so he's out of the woods, it seems.  I'm keeping him isolated from the
other two still, except for play-time so I can monitor his intake and
output; the vet says to do that for another couple weeks, and then put
him back in with them and just keep a very close eye on him.
We're not sub-qu-ing him anymore, and he's off the dreaded Clavamox.
He's eating, drinking, poo-ing and pee-ing like he should, is staying
hydrated, and is back to his usual bouncy, dooking, energetic self, such
a wonderful thing to see.  I've been giving him about 4 ounces of very
watery Duck Soup twice a day still, along with his crunchy food, just to
supplement his fluids and make sure he's well-nourished.  I am so happy
and relieved, and feel very fortunate and blessed with his recovery.
He's a very lucky weasel.
We still may be looking at adrenal problems, or just a very odd winter
coat-blowing...he's got no hair on his tail, and what look like
blackheads, and his shoulders and neck are pretty bare, but no hair loss
at the base of the tail.  It may just be the stress of the illness, also,
so I'm kinda adopting a 'wait and see' on it, not to mention I'm in no
position to afford any sort of possible adrenal diagnostics right now;
I've still got $500+ in vet bills from this ordeal. :(
Thank you again so much to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, concern,
and advice.  You're all a wonderful group of people. :)
~Sherrie, aka daoine o', the ferret queen
Razzle ('I'm fine, really!  But can I still have my Duck Soup?')
Monty-boo and Jezebel ('Can Razzle come out to play?')
~Still missing Dweezil, my one small star~
[Posted in FML issue 4724]