Hi to all!  Mom has been very busy trying to get ready for santa to
come.-First thing missy went last friday for her post op check up & doc
said she is doing great.  Boy is she ever wild now.
Mom sent for our christmas stuff & I saw the UPS santa delivering it the
other day but I heard ma tell dad we can't have till christmas day.  just
one thing though that ear wash stuff.  Just what I want to hear.  I see
it sitting on the sewing machine cabinet, so I know what's coming in the
morning.-look out guys.  Got to have those ears cleaned.
OK guys it's mom's turn-past your bed time.  Get the ears in the
Here's an easy & cheap play thing to make for your fuzzies- I used my old
plastic Thanksgiving table cloth -fold it in half-sew two ends together-
sew a maze as you like so they can get in & out.  They loved it.  So
cheap & easy to make- just wanted to share.
Mom Barb & 6 pack
Merry Christmas to all you fuzzies!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4724]