Hi everyone:
I dont want to keep pestering everyone about the giving tree but I wanted
to list another set of ferrets that still need santas (just to make it
easier for everyone).  I also want to thank everyone for picking more
needy ferrets and their shelters.  I looked at the list this am and so
many more ferrets are taken!!!!  This has to be the greatest group in
the world!
Page 12 (bottom half):
Theodore: He had a vena cava litigation that his previous owner couldnt
pay for, he loves sleepsacks, hammocks and treats,
email: [log in to unmask]
Blue: He was surrendered with NO hair, he has a kidney tumor so no
surgery but he gets lupron injections and his fur has blue in it!  He
loves tents to sleep in and furry mice.
email: [log in to unmask]
Lena: had adrenal surgery, surgery to remove a bad tooth and now shows
signs of insulinoma.  She is a loving, kissy girl.  She needs nutrical
and hammocks,
email: [log in to unmask]
Anna: about 8 yrs old, found as a stray by a couple who tought they knew
whose ferret it was, but when they repeatedly knocked on their door &
called them they refused to answer so she came to the shelter, she is
very shy and is adrenal, Im sure she would love sleep sacks, hammocks
and blankies,
email: [log in to unmask]
Joey: he was kept in a garage with food and water but no love.
adrenal, he could use hammocks, sleep sacks and blankies,
email: [log in to unmask]
Page 13:
Marlon: when he was surrendered the previous owner said he was 1 yr old,
but he is 6-7, had wobbly back legs due to malnutrition, he is sweet and
loving and would love sleep sacks, blankies and hammocks,
email: [log in to unmask]
Missy: found as a stray but nobody claimed her, adrenal, she is a sweet
girl and would like soft hammocks, sleep sacks and blankies,
email: [log in to unmask]
Prissy: 7 yrs old, found on the side of the road and taken to petco,
folks who had adopted from the shelter before took her from petco but
she was afraid of their ferrets so she came to the shelter, adrenal,
she would love soft hammocks, sleep sacks and blankies,
email: [log in to unmask]
Tks.  Lisa
[Posted in FML issue 4722]