I said I wasn't going to..
I didn't mean to..
But we have a new kid.
His name is Moofassa - Moo for short.  He was in need of a new home.  His
family has had ferrets for nine years and due to recent medical changes
with Hubby, they had to give him up.  He was the last of their bunch and
missed playmates.
He is a 2 year old Albino.
We got him for Maggie.  Maggie came into the shelter a couple of months
ago after losing her cagemate and then her family to a move.  She is a
nipper and is very scared about everything.  She wants to play with
others but is afraid to.and needless to say our head strong crew doesn't
care for her.  So we decided that she was going to be a permanent
resident so at 4 years old she wouldn't have to move again.  She lives
free roam in the back part of the house (our rooms) and gets up front
once a day in the evening.
So.  Maggie (Maggie Maye or Mag-Pie) and Moo have started to play
together and sleep together.  We are hoping that in time she will learn
to accept us just as much as she accepts him.  I have pictures on my
camera but I think someone stole the cord to connect it.  at least that's
MY STORY and I'm sticking to it!
Moo has been here for a couple weeks now.  He's pretty happy and seems to
have Daddy trained with the whole treat thing!  LOL
[Posted in FML issue 4722]