>From:    jennifer hill <[log in to unmask]>
>... my ferrets have a little pudge (comments were made on my slips from
>the judges, or that they needed more muscle coverage...), not a lot,
>well, except for one of them, but nevermind, and I noticed that comments
>were made about the muscle coverage on ferrets in other companion and
>other championship rings as well.
>My kids excercise at least once, sometimes twice a day for a minimum of
>3.5-4 hours a day, just running around in the apartment or playing in
>the playpen if we are doing other things as well, and it's not safe for
>them to be out and about.  I was told by a friend (owner/breeder) that
>putting hammies up higher so they have to work to climb into it with
>their shoulder muscles could help, but I want to know what else ...
Hi, Jennifer.
Congratulations on your wins this past weekend!...ummmmmmm, my ferret,
Chevy, took Best In Show in Companion this weekend...it was a close
call -- at the ribboning, the judge in Ring 1 told us that if Chevy
hadn't "bitten her" he'd have placed 1st in her Ring in addition to
Ring 2 where he DID place 1st --- we got the real scoop on that story
though -- apparently, when she was judging him she said she and Chevy
were playing and he kind of nipped her on her chest, I'm sure from the
excitement of playing back and forth -- it wasn't an intentional bite,
which was good since we were shocked at a "bit judge" comment on his
score card...at the show, I was in denial wondering how the heck he could
have bitten her, but understanding why she said she knocked him down to
5th in her ring in indeed this happened -- after getting the real story,
I wondered WHY she knocked him down at all (haha) if SHE was playing with
him and he indeed nipped her most likely, I'm sure, accidentally from the
excitement of her playing back and forth with him...my silly boy.
As far as your ferret not placing at all in Ring 3 -- unfortunately, this
happens...Chevy got a 1st in Ring 2 and a 2nd in Ring 3 at the Ohio show,
but didn't place at all in Ring 1, which kept him from getting a BIS
there --- and this was from a judge who had given him 1st place at the
show he was previously in....so, don't let it bother you too much and
please don't be discouraged -- it happens...we just have to respect the
judge's opinions and keep coming back! :-)
Anyway, in answer to your question -- Our breeder has told us the same
thing about putting hammies up high so they have to use their shoulder
muscles...and Mary (McCarty) has always told us to "run them up and down
the steps" to build muscle...you may wanna try this....by the way --- I
just wanted to congratulate you again and say that your ferrets had a
great showing and especially considering this was their first show,
Jennifer!!!..good job!  :-)
We'll see you in the Spring, hopefully.  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4720]