I have a 6 ft tree that I put on a coffee table to try to discourage the
little monsters hmm I mean angels from getting to it but if there is a
will there is a way so I now wrap the Marshalls Play Pen around it and
put garland around the top of the play pen...looks really neat!!!!
Please email me if you want to see a pic....Oh, its also good for keeping
fuzzies from terrorizing the husband while sleeping...just wrap pen
around chair with husband sleeping in chair....Watch the shocked look on
husband'face when he realizes he is PENNED IN!!!  Priceless!!!!!!!
Peanut, Cybil, Bandit, Dominic, Laney & Simon
At the bridge: Taz, Plato, Opie, Harvey & Buster
Please check out my ebay store full of ferret items:
[Posted in FML issue 4713]