Hello, it's me, the pesky ferret lady from Toronto again with some bad
news.  We're getting anywhere from 20 to 30 UNALTERED ferrets on
Saturday.  They are coming from a back-yard breeder who died and his
wife can not care for them.
They were originally sold as hunting ferrets so they may also have their
canine teeth cut out like our previous rescue back in 1998.  Most of the
ferrets are being housed outside and some are in a barn.  You Ontarians
will know the freezing rain we have had over the last 2 days may not be
the best for these little ones.
I HATE asking, but we need help.  If there are any vets out there in the
Toronto/Brampton/Mississauga/Oakville etc area who are able to donate a
spay or neuter to help us, I would really appreciate it.
We are also in need of water bottles, litter boxes, litter, cages and
volunteer drivers to help get them to and from veterinarians.
Our shelter has $31.86 in our bank account (YIKES) and we still owe our
vet for an emergency vena cava ligation she did on Wednesday.
I also need to worry if these kids have ADV.  Our shelter is not equipped
to handle any ADV ferrets and we will be testing them on site at the
breeder's farm.  IF any kids show positive for ADV, any advice on how to
handle this?
Please feel free to cross post this note if you can think of any
veterinarians or volunteers who may be able to help.  Thank you!
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4720]