in answer to:
>From:    The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: SARS in Canada
>Researchers have been testing a new vaccine against SARS in Canadian
>ferrets.  In one test, ferrets developed Hepatitis and sever liver
>inflammation.  Many people have voiced their anger and someone sent me
>this petition.
> <>
answer from Joos:
I ve sent this petition to my ferret mailing list, my ferret friends here
in the Netherlands.
A time ago i ve heard on the news that Dutch scientists had made progress
finding a cure against sars and they were also testing on ferrets.  How
many ferrets, in how many tests, in how many countries must suffer and
die of this testing.  I hope one day people will work together on issues
like this, all over the world.  So testing can be minimized!
Grr, Joos
[Posted in FML issue 4713]