Hello all,
Without getting on my soap box (too much) I agree with the majority that
do not want Petsmart marketing ferrets.  Yes, I've signed the petition,
but being a business owner I also realize that the corporate mind was
made up beforehand and nothing we say or do will really make much of a
difference.  Petsmart carries some items that my other local stores,
(Petco and PetSuppliesPlus) don't carry, so I will on occasion go there
to shop.
That being said, I think our main problem is with the ferretrys or ferret
farms themselves.  I personally purchased up a Marshall Farms kit two
weeks ago at Petco.  She was the last, obviously a runt and an albino to
boot.  She is not severely, (but definitely) underdeveloped for her
'supposed' age of now 10 weeks.  Those 'Health Certificates' signed by
Jean or Janet Marshall are a joke.  She has yet to have her adult canine
teeth break the gum line.  I am feeding her a combination of ZooPreem
mush and A/D or Max Cat canned kitten food.  She is a hellion, full of
piss and vinegar, but NEVER should have been taken away from her momma
so soon.
So who do we blame, the store that sells these pets where there is a
demand, or the farms that ship these babies out way too early?
Everything is driven by the almighty dollar, but I say we begin with the
federal government who allows this to occur.
BTW: I've named her 'Little One' as she will doubtfully ever achieve her
full size, but she's filled my heart :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4713]