>From:    Eric Corbett
>I would be only too happy to make the correspondence I had with the RCVS
>publically available for download once again, along with a copy of the
>original article that he wrote for the NFWS Newsletter, if I thought for
>one minute that would be an end to the matter.  As the NFWS newsletter
>editor, will Sheila Crompton give her permission for Matthew Fry's
>article to be made available in pdf form for download?
The article has been available for months on the NFWS Web Pages so there
is absolutely no need to give you permission to make it available in .pdf
>I will repeat once again that the view of the Royal College of
>Veterinary Surgeons was that Matthew Fry was not actually making any
>recommendations as to treatment, but was simply recounting his own
>experience.  A conclusion that anyone who actually read his article
>would find difficult to agree with in my opinion.
Yes, do please post the RCVS response to your complaint against vet,
Matthew Fry.Your complaint is worth little without the response from RCVS
and their reasons for not ordering him to change his practices.  After
all, it is their opinion that counts.  I still feel it was a valid
comment that had your complaint succeeded, this vet could have decided
against making his vital contribution to evidence which resulted in the
first successful prosecution case for neglect and ill-treatment of
ferrets.  Would you like to add your congratulations to him for the
outcome of this case?  If not, why not?
Bolton Ferret Welfare
Declaration Day Quote of the day from Vini Faal, "Alun Michael is
to animal welfare what King Herod was to baby sitting".
NFWS web site http://www.nfws.net updated 18th Nov 2004
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge:- Jill, Deanna Troi, Cameron, Carnath, Button,
Bill, Bobby, Jasper, Inga, Holly, Fergle, Amanda, Sparky, Daniel,
Blackie, Marvin, Claude, Bumper, Kurt, Tasha Yar, Larry, Lily, Ben,
Fritz, Dax, Kelley, McCoy, Brock, Snowy, Dumpling, Buddy, Stumpy,
Treacle, Max, Scrap, Vanessa, Sarek, Paw Paw, Badger, T.D, Spooky,
Stanley, Tara, Oliver, Alfie, Sindy, Beano, Lulu, Scully, Brecon,
Lady, Tuppence, Casanova, Beverly, Geordi La Forge, Piper, Phoenix,
Tiberius & Twiggy.
[Posted in FML issue 4716]