Hi Folks-0 Have you been trying to reach us but your emails are bouncing
SIgh how perplexing.  The ISP which hosts the shelter website ( thus our
emails) is undergoing some major restructuring.  It is expected that by
the end of the weekend or early next week we will be back on line.
It isn't real helpful but there IS mail at the end of the process.  You
think your frustrated... imagine contacts with the world being cut off
by the shelter !!!!
Anyway - please feel free to utilize this emergency email address if you
need info etc until we are back to our old self at Ferret Wise--
[log in to unmask]
The new Biter chicks are here- Noodles & Sasha.  They are a tad reluctant
to mix but are very very sweet -- I probably should not say anythig but I
have NOT been bitten yet--- :)
We are watching Harry currently for beginning insulinoma OH NO!  And poor
elder Skipper at St Gregory's hospice has finally decided after a 2 year
struglle with insulinoma he is tred and is ready for Rainbow Bridge.  Of
course we are all saddened to see him throw in his ferret towel-- but
must respect his wishes.  JUdy is providing round the clock care to make
sure he is in no pain.
Harry is now being watched -- He has been wobbling the past few days and
insulinoma is suspected... but all the rest are being their own ferrety
selves.  Disney continues to amaze us all!  9 plus years and now with a
gorgeous plus coat from her melatonin & lupron-- we were sure she would
have checked out for the Bridge a year ago!
As the Holiday Season approaches with our enrollment of elder , aged
and compromised ferrets we do send heartfelt thanks to our friends and
supporters and continue to assists recuers wherever we can in helpful
information, legalization issues, referrals etc.  We are proud to have
been of service to the community and hope to continue on in years to
come.  We are a call or email away-- and hopefully will be back online
Shelter Dad Dino -- who is travelling to York PA for the AFA show
tomorrow ( Saturday) with Feret Calendars, T shirts & bedding- ALso an
awesome Holiday Stocking jammed with goodies to rafle!  Please do drop
in and say hello.
HUgsand licks ( no bites please Jerimiah-- to you all
Alicia & kids at ferret wise
[Posted in FML issue 4716]