Sheila Crompton said:
>Is Mr Corbett pleased that there has been a successful prosecution case
>for neglect and ill-treatment of ferrets.  He seems to have ignored the
>important news in favour of covering his own back!
I made it very clear in my original posting that like everyone else I of
course welcomed this successful proscution for cruelty towards ferrets.
And once again I congratulate Julie Stoodley for her success in
prosecuting this case.
And Sheila Crompton has no right to imply otherwise.
But in the same posting in which she originally announced this success,
Sheila Crompton, for no obvious reason, repeated her allegation that I
had previously reported the vet who acted as a witness for the
prosecution in this case to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for
his use of Frontline.  And said so again yesterday.
>Eric Corbett took it on himself to report a vet for referring to
>information published in the BSAVA Manual.
A few days ago I made a pdf of my actual complaint available for download
on the Web, showing conclusively that Sheila Crompton's claim is without
Yet she apparently sees no reason to apologise, preferring instead to
launch into yet another series of falsehoods.  I have repeatedly made it
clear why the RCVS declined to discipline vet Matthew Fry on this
occasion.  I would be only too happy to make the correspondence I had
with the RCVS publically available for download once again, along with a
copy of the original article that he wrote for the NFWS Newsletter, if I
thought for one minute that would be an end to the matter.  As the NFWS
newsletter editor, will Sheila Crompton give her permission for Matthew
Fry's article to be made available in pdf form for download?
But there's very little point in once again making the truth available if
the facts, once presented, are again going to be ignored and the same old
falsehoods dredged up every few months or so.
I will repeat once again that the view of the Royal College of Veterinary
Surgeons was that Matthew Fry was not actually making any recommendations
as to treatment, but was simply recounting his own experience.  A
conclusion that anyone who actually read his article would find difficult
to agree with in my opinion.
Eric Corbett
[Posted in FML issue 4715]