Last week we had an appointment at the vet; 4 rabies shots, a BG test,
and exams for everyone.  So my hubby and I pack 7 ferts into our largest
carrier and head for my truck.  Now, this carrier doesn't easily fit in
the backseat of my kingcab, so I suggested my hubby ride in back, with
the kids strapped in up front.  Note, the carrier is not visible from
behind the truck.
While en route, we are stopped at a red light, and a Freeway Service
Patrol van pulls up behind us.  We here a voice come over the
loudspeaker..."Been bad, huh?  Have to sit in the back?!"
Hubby nodded, and hung his head dejectedly.  I nearly fell out of the
truck laughing.  It's true, the truck is mine, but I'm only a glorified
chauffeur for my kids.  And hubbies ride in the back!
BTW No vac reactions, good BG level for my insulinomic old fart, and
everyfert is fat and happy!
Julie & the Woozles
21st Century Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 4715]