What's in a name?  Apparently an awful lot, because I met a boy today
that really fit his name.  His name was Rascal.  Rascal had a spark in
his eye that made me giggle as he crossed the bridge.  Ooo, he's a fun
one he is!
We introduced ourselves, rubbed noses, admired each others shiny halos,
and off we went on tour.  It was difficult to show Rascal the sites
because at every turn he was nipping other weangels, stealing toys,
spinning in circles and making havoc.  This guy is a trip!  What a
playful happy bloke he is.  We were on our way to the ball room to roll
balls about, when he paused at the reflecting pool however as he looked
down on his mommy, Tara.  He was very surprised that she was crying pools
of tears.  Of course he realized she would miss him, but he assured me he
felt no pain when he passed and that when he passed he was carried by
tremendous feelings of love all the way up here.  He sat and told me
about everything people did for him down on earth.  I was kind of blown
away at the lengths they went into trying to make his body well.  Then
started to fly upwards.  Just because of all the positive memories he had
of his moms love, and all the happy memories he had of playing with her,
his toys, and nipping toes.  Boy did he soar high up there!  He zoomed
down to me and asked if there was any way to help his mommy heal.  I told
him that hoomans are funny that way, and their best friend is Father
Time.  He twitched his nose at that, because ferrets are impatient
critters and want things changed like a light switch.  He asked if we had
such a button to make his mom heal like she tried to get him to heal.  I
said, to just leave that to Father Time and he'd take care of things.  He
didn't like that answer, and he said he was going to try to send as many
positive memories and thoughts to his mom on Earth as she did to him in
his life time.  I was impressed.  Because boy is that a ton of love!
[Posted in FML issue 4715]