Sorry peeps.  I just haven't posted much about what has been going on.
and I should have.  I mean, it's nothing exciting just haven't told you.
As some of you know..  Mary Hogan was here for a visit before her
surgery.  She came on Saturday and left on Tuesday.  What a BLAST!
Saturday we went and visited with Dawn and Don of Hooked on Fuzzies
Shelter in Tucson.  We had a great time there.  Mary got to play with
just about all of the ferrets and sit and chat with Dawn some when the
ferrets would let her :-) .  Saturday night Shawn made a wonderful dinner
when we got home.  And Mary got to meet all of our critters!  Sunday Mary
and I went sight-seeing.  We went to Coronado National Park and took in
the views, and then onto Bisbee to drive around.  I even got to show her
the outside of the church I will be married in.  Then we headed to
Tombstone where we did some shopping.  Mary bought me some wonderful
charms to go on the beautiful charm bracelet that she brought for me (and
she came me some off of hers).  Then we met up with Chris and went to
Wal-Mart and then to Safeway so I could buy stuff for dinner (yes, I was
cooking!).  We didn't get home that day until 8 pm!  Monday I came to
work and Shawn got to stay and visit with Mary.  They went out shopping
(again).  We had pizza for dinner and stayed in playing with ferrets all
night.  Tuesday we had to take her to the airport..  I really wanted to
keep her!  And she really wanted to take Christi (one of the
adoptables!).  Saying "c-ya" was hard.  I just didn't want to let her
leave..  On the way to the airport she gave me yet another wonderful
gift.  it was a glass heart that had Daughter written on it.  She made me
cry.  though I think I did ok hiding it cause if I didn't I feared she
wouldn't go to CA.
So, she is now in CA with her brother (other one coming in soon).  They
are running tests to make sure that surgery is still a go.  So far
everything is turning out good.  Her heart is working just fine.  They
were worried that the stress of having to work hard might have damaged
it.  it didn't.  Her lungs..  Well that is where the blood clots are
mainly.  Her left lung only the top part showed up on one of the tests.
So she must have a lot of blockage in there.  She sees the doctor today
and they will discuss in more detail the tests, the operation and
concerns they may have.
I just want you all to know just what she is facing..  For the surgery to
remove the blood clots which have formed into scar tissue right near her
heart and in her lungs.  they will have to go in through her front and
open the rib cage.  Then they will have to put her on a heart and lung
bypass machine.  Because they need to work in a dry environment (no
blood), they will have to stop the machine which is keeping her alive -
up to 20 minutes each time.  Then restart it again when either they are
done or 20 minutes comes.
She is having the surgery done in San Diego because they are THE BEST
hospital for this surgery.  There are only 3 hospitals that specialize
in this. and they are #1.  If everything goes well (which it will) her
chances are excellent.  of course. being "dead" for 20 minutes at a time
isn't a nice thing to think about and is pretty scary..  Her surgery is
scheduled for December 7th at 6 am.  Pet is at home watching all the
animals while Mary is away.
Would you send a card to her?  She said with ferret stickers or something
on the outside of the envelope would be wonderful since she is in CA!
LOL What a girl!  SO. everyone up to sending cards to our wonderful Mary
who helps out with foster and sick kids????????
Cards will help her so much!  She will be in the hospital from Dec 7th
until around the 16th.
Here's the address:
UCSD Thornton Hospital Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
9300 Campus Point Drive,  M/C 7381
La Jolla, CA  92037
I will try to keep everyone posted on how she is doing when I know more.
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4715]