Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU from our ferrets, with many dooks,
chortles, and over-all joy as our shelter kids play with all of the
wonderful crochet eggs and other ferret presents that the Santa from
Carpet Sharks sent to us!!!
We now have 3 larger locations with 4 growing Foster locations, with
over 100 ferrets in our shelter system, with 13 more on the way.  Such
toys are a blessing, very much appreciated and needed.
The idea that these folks took the time, effort, money and love to sit
down an make these wonderful handmade items is just overwhelming to us!
Words just cannot say enough.
Love and over 100 dooks and hugs,
The ferrets from the Richmond Ferret Rescue League,
Marlene Blackburn, Tracie Belongia, Nancy Clarke, Rita, Lanta, Rachael,
Heather & Brad
[Posted in FML issue 4743]