Hugs & Dooks to all!
I would like to thank everyone for all the great Xmas cards that I
recieved through the Xmas exchange....they were so great to get.
The other thing I would like to say is thank you , thank you , for people
like Randy ....who rescued the ferrets in Paris, Ont.  I am a Canadian
owner of a ferret and was absolutley horrified when I read about what terrible that people could do this to such innocent ,
helpless animals.  These wonderful pets that give us so much in return
for so little....I was sickened.  I would like to have Randy contact me I have a friend .....a very good friend that i am planning to
visit this coming summer in 2005....and i would love to come for a day
and help with whatever I could,, cuddling,,,,feeding....
whatever... if you think i could help let me know please!
Merry Xmas and happy New Year to everyone on the list and thank you to
all of you , who have made a difference in someone's life this year....
whether it be human or if it be our fuzzy friends lives....... All the
best to all!
Kate & Spaz
[Posted in FML issue 4741]