Risa, I'm a compulsive groomer usually as well.  I'm sure you weren't a
bad ferret mom just because you didn't clean the ferrets' ears twice a
week (giggle).  Do you clean the ferrets' ears by using a cleaner on a
q-tip only?  Marshall Farms, Vets Best, and other companies make actual
"ear washes", not just ear cleaners.  You drop some of the cleaner into
the ears, massage them a bit, then let the ferret shake its head
(eeeeew).  It dislodges a good deal of wax that is deep in the canal, and
softens up the wax in the folds.  Then you can moisten the q-tip with the
ear wash to clean up what has been dislodged and softened in the folds of
the ear.  I think there is less of a chance of pushing the wax deeper
into the ear this way, then just to dig around the folds of the outer
ear.  I've read that the safest way to clean ears is to use ear cleaner
on a cotton ball and to just wipe the outer ear.  But I can't do that.  I
can't resist the icky thought that icky wax is right down in there making
odor and attracting mites.  Maybe others have other opinions here
[Posted in FML issue 4688]