This is an open leter to ferretologists.
Adrenal disease causation in ferrets is increasingly speculative at
this time.  Note that Church's erudite and superb expostion on bone
eating casts some slight suspicion on commercially prepared ferret
kibble chow as a possible contributory cause of adrenal gland maladies.
This speculation is mentioned twice and unfortunately no reason is given
for this relating "new and improved ferret kibble" contributing to
adrenal problems so prevalent in todays Amerikanishe Frettchen.  Let
us ask the wizards of ferretology to tighten up the implied negativity
of ferret kibble chow as it now appears rather loosely tied to adrenal
gland health.
And secondlly, how does USA adrenal gland health compare in
English/European ferret communities where ferret kibble chow is
assumedly less used?
Thank you,
Hi Doughno
[Posted in FML issue 4712]