I liked what Wolfy wrote about addressing the negatives as well as the
positives of ferrets to potential ferret owers.  I love meeting people,
especially at the vets, and telling them what wonderful pets ferrets
make.  But I am also very quick to inform people that yes, they do
stink (but the smell is addictive), they poop a lot (trainable but not
as accurate a cat), and they can nip (usually playfully, and again
trainable).  I have to further admit that I cringe when a public person
gets one, because I worry that too many people will get a ferret as a fad
pet without learning about them.  Also, when that news broke about the
Along Came Polly ferret biting Ben Stiller, I wasn't concerned.  No, I
don't want ferrets portrayed as vicious attackers (clearly they're not)
but they can bite, and people should only get them if they're willing to
work with them.
Wasn't going to, but will add my thoughts on the whole Petco/Petsmart
thing.  Obviously we can't tell a company to not sell ferrets.  But
hoping to convince a responsible pet store chain that offering space to
shelter ferrets rather than putting more kits on the market is a good
idea.  Even if they do sell them, perhaps with all the knowledge we're
giving them about the plight of pet ferrets they will at least enter the
market more responsibly than other pet stores have (ie have educated
employees to answer questions to prospective customers and care well
for ferrets at store, and make sure all incoming ferrets are healthy and
the proper age).  In the end Petsmart may do what's best for them, but
they've shown a commitment to doing what's best for pets and I hope that
[Posted in FML issue 4708]