Trying to get into the Christmas spirit this year though it hasn't been
easy.  I started at work.  Got it all decorated... got the Toy Drive
started.  I even have some my moms ornaments here at work... which
reminds me of how wonderful life can be.  My mom always said that
everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes we find out later what the
reason is... and other times, we just never know.  My mom survived so
much in her time and she always did it looking forward.  She never pitied
herself.  She said that someone always has it worse.  I guess being a
Newfoundlander makes you think differently... I got to see all of that
first hand by going back there... and meeting everyone..... what a joy
that was..So, I sit here at work trying to get motivated enough to do my
work.  and I just can't seem to do it.  I sit and think of my mom..
I have a picture of my mom and dad when they were dating.  back in 1957.
So much in love.  and look at what she left behind.  her legacy of us
kids.  for better or worse.  we are a part of her.  and the people that
cross our path all meet her through us.  I know she will be forever
with me.
Last year for Thanksgiving my mom was sick.  She was already bed ridden
but she got up to the table to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with my dad and I.
She ate a lot too for her.  What was really funny about the whole thing
was that the next day, my dad asked me if there was anything missing at
the dinner.  I told him no.  He said, "what about the corn?" I started
laughing.  My only job for the dinner was to do the corn.  It was in the
microwave warming up.  I forgot it!  LOL Guess that last Thanksgiving
with her will stick in my mind always..  And I think.  as silly as it may
sound.  I won't eat corn on Thanksgiving now.  Kinda my way to remember
her with something.  or the lack of something for this Special Holiday.
So..  what am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?  My family, My fiancEe,
My friends, My animals, My job, This wonderful country we live in, The
military always ready to defend our freedom and rights, And for all of
the memories that my mom gave her family
I hope and I pray that everyone has a safe holiday tomorrow and that
while you are enjoying your family and friends, to take a minute out of
your day and to think about all of those that are less fortunate than
yourself.  Stop and take a deep breath and remember that no matter what
life throws at you, life is a blessing and one that should be enjoyed.
Happy Thanksgiving
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4707]