Well, you haven't made an enemy with me!  Ferrets are NOT for everyone.
It takes a very special person to laugh when the ferret has knocked over
a cup of water on your dining room table for the third time that morning.
And you can't be squeamish about picking up poop...and cleaning off fear
poops from a ferret if a tussle get's too intense...or cleaning poop off
your shoe (or foot) if you stepped in it because one of your babies
decided the middle of the room was a good place to go...or cleaning dried
poop off a sick ferret because he couldn't stay out of it in the box....
And did I mention poop?
And don't get me started on vet bills, and ferrets that can fit into a
1" hole and get their heads caught.  LOL  Childproofing is easy compared
to ferretproofing.  You have to be the kind of person who says to
herself--well it's my fault--I shouldn't have left the water where he
could knock it over.
I used to highly recommend ferrets to other people.... Now I cautiously
say--"Well, I LOVE them--I have eight.  But they're really not for
everyone." And I go through the same type of information sharing that you
do.  I would rather have a person decide that ferrets are not for them
than to have a poor ferret end up in a shelter, or even worse, abandoned
because the person bought the wrong pet.  I do however strongly defend
them when I hear generalizations like "They bite, don't they?" I point
out that they are like puppies or kittens that need to be taught their
manners, and they are'nt any meaner than any young animal.
Melodyt and the elven eight
[Posted in FML issue 4706]