I don't know about Colorado, but just some things to think about.
First, if no one ever tested for ADV then everyone would believe that it
was not a problem because they never heard of a ferret with it.
I think there are certain states that are considered a hot bed for ADV.
NJ is one of them, but I can tell you of a dozen vets here who have said
they didn't know about ADV and didn't think it was a problem because they
personally didn't know a ferret with it.  Yet, they never tested for it.
Through testing I have done on surrenders.  Many times the person tells
me, well this ferret has only been in my home since bought at the
petstore.  Tested pos. for ADV.  THe person said they got the ferret
from someone else,who lived out of state, and was a single ferret his
whole life, tested pos. for ADV.  That ferret was originally from a
pet store in Washington state.  I have had ferrets from NY and PA test
I don't know about Colorado, but have enough people in the state even
tested for adv to know what the percentage is?
Since breeders ship ferrets, distributors hold ferrets before sold in
pet stores, people move from state to state with their ferrets- it is
possible that ADV will eventually be in every state.
The probability is that you are fine and so are the ferrets you pet sit
for, but until testing is done you just don't know for sure.
I have talked with 4 of the top ferret vets here is Colorado and all have
assured that ADV is not a problem here.  I am pet sitting for ferrets
with unknown medical histories, but they are all from this state.  Has
anyone in this area heard of infected ferrets?  Percentages?  Need I
worry?  I have been told by many ferret owners that they too do not
believe it is a disease to worry about in this state.
[Posted in FML issue 4701]