"One More Chance"
They brought me here just a month ago.
They said this would be my 'forever home'.
My humans said they'd take care of me
And that I would always get to roam free.
I loved to do all those 'ferret-y' things
Like stealing car keys and diamond rings.
I chewed her new designer shoes;
I hid his socks and his wallet too.
They to me I'd been really bad;
When I soiled that new carpet that they had.
They grabbed me and shoved me into this cage
And screamed at me in fits of rage.
I sit in my cage, alone, in fear;
My human beings are no where near.
My tummy is empty, my throat is dry.
They don't even notice when I cry.
So here I sit, not a hug to be had;
I seem to only make them mad.
My cage is so small I can't dook or dance.
I wish they'd give me one more chance.
I used to love to get a hug and a kiss
Those are the things I really miss.
I'm a nasty little ferret, I heard them say;
Now they wish I'd just go away.
I'm getting so weak I can't even stand;
I cannot get to my litter pan.
I feel so bad; I can't catch my breath.
I fear that I am nearing death.
So I lay my head down for that final sleep
And of the Rainbow Bridge I dream
Where once more I can dook and dance;
And God will give me one more chance.
[Posted in FML issue 4683]