I never saw your post, or I would have written.  Listen ... I have TWO
pages of suggestions for people wtih allergies or for those who are
incredibly picky about odor in my website.  Visit my site, scroll down to
the index, and go to the link for allergies.  You also should check out
the smell page.  They aren't as complete as I'd like them, but they are
very good I think.
I have very bad allergies as well as severe asthma.  So I"ve learned a
lot.  The biggest thing for you to know is that in my experience most
people just do not do enough to control the allergy situation who step
forward with advice.  This is why I'm writing you.  I've had to give up
pets in the past due to allergies.  So I know how much it hurts when you
are forced to do so.  Ferrets seem to be the easiest mammal to live with
for allergies (besides a bichon frise dog that is ... but even I have
trouble with them).  But you have to really take care of your environment
as well as the animal to be able to attempt to live with them.
Listen, if there is one thing I've learned is that you must, must, must
be consistent and complete in the ways you approach allergen control.
Just doing one thing regularly or a couple of them just won't cut it for
people with allergies.  Also, you must execute preventative things as
much as you possibly can.  I read all the time about how people suggest
doing ferret laundry weekly or biweekly.  Guess what?  If you truly have
severe (not mild to moderate) allergies or if you have more than two
ferrets that just will NOT cut it.  I myself must change it out every
other day.  I keep the old laundry in a plastic garbage bag in the
enclose laundry room.  That way, I only have to run ferret laundry once
to twice a week in my washer (so I don't kill the appliances or go
broke).  Ya know?  So please go to my website and find those pages for
detailed suggestions to try.
I don't know if I wrote this on the sites, but you must do a total
sterilization of the ferret room/area, and then a total cleaning of the
home (steam clean if possible) before you settle into a manageable but
effective schedule to prevent allergies.  If there is already a lot of
animal dander, pee, and dust in your home, it won't do a bit of good to
begin some of peoples suggestions.  It's super hard to do an excellent
cleaning of the home (I mean even run clean, damp mops over your walls
for dust and dander).  But it's worth doing okay?  I dont know if I
mention it on the sites, but allergies can act like a line of standing
dominoes.  You tip one, then the others that were standing okay fall.
Things that don't ordinarily set you off, do once your nose gets going.
So pay attention to air conditioning filters, plants (don't have too
many, change out the soil as it holds mold spores), keep windows shut (to
cut down on pollen and mold spores), stay away from other fur and feather
creatures, don't use potpouri and other smelly things in your home (seems
like only the gel air freshners do well, a few candles, or fabreeze), and
most of all stay away from cig smoke at all times (even in restaurants).
Good luck.  It's worth the try in order to keep the ferrets.  Remember to
ask for help if possible to vaccuum or to change out liter pans.
[Posted in FML issue 4698]