When I wrote my earlier post, I did not intend to insinuate that the
home ADV test kits are worthless, but in rereading what I sent, I
imagine some people took it that way.
I do think the home tests kits are useful, especially in shelters, where
there is sometimes an immediate need to know.
While my personal experience leads me to think the kits are not as
accurate as the ELISA or United CEP test, it is still a very accurate
test if done properly.  And remember, no test is ever 100% accurate.
The biggest problem with the home test kits is that the test results
are only as accurate as the person running the test.  To get accurate
results, it is important to follow the directions carefully.
Additionally, it is also important to make sure the test kit is not
past its expiration date.  The items in the kit do have a point of
expiration, and can not be guaranteed to be accurate beyond that time.
Finally, with either saliva test it is important to make sure the ferret
has not had anything to eat or drink recently.
Bottom line - testing, by any method available, is important.  Testing
more then once is good, to make sure the results are accurate.  And,
testing by different methods at different times can be useful in
confirming results.
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
For more information visit: http://www.ferretadv.com
You can help fight ADV! Visit:
[Posted in FML issue 4697]