Bob came to Spain and he dropped by for a visit sunday afternoon up here
north, to Gijsn after his research in Madrid.He left monday morning to
France.So I had an oportunity to practice my bad english, and my even
worse translations english-spanish/spanish-english!
It was great having him here, hes really nice and funny.  He had the
oportunity to see a bit of the city, the beach area mostly.
Bioko came along to pick him up at the station, and showed Bob how much
he enjoys the beach and kept following him and begging to be picked up.
Took Bob to some "sidrerias" to try out typical asturian hard cider, it
was a short visit, if he comes back again and wants to visit us, by then
I might have learned how to pour the cider ;) (heres an on-line pic to
see how its poured but dont
think we dress like that up here!!  thats the regional suit) He also had
the oportunity to try some of our typical foods.I had the oportunity to
learn many things about ferrets, history...I had a great time, I hope he
did too, even though in Spain we speak too fast :P
 & Bioko and Anoki in Spain
[Posted in FML issue 4692]