I have a question - this is for my friend, Roxy.  She gave me the
permission to post this.  She has found out that her iguana has had the
breakouts of pinworms in one of the cats, resulting in an outbreak.  The
medication she tried in the past didn't work.  I didn't get the meds'
name.  Their household is also in the outbreak of ringworm as well as
Please give me all the info on iverticim dosages by topically and
injections in proper dosages and types.  I know that this meds goes in
different dosages for all kinds of animals in sizes, weights, species and
such.  It's been a long time since I handle this type of situation.  I'm
also here to see if there's any changes and/or updates than few years ago
as well.  I appreciate your help on this issue.
By the way, for people about using safe chemical products, I'm normally
paranoid about those things.  I usually use soap and water often.  I
rarely use anything else.  Anything that I need to really and truly
clean, I use my powerful water blasting machine (the types you use at
the self service car wash sprayguns on cars, only they are hooked up with
home machine and your hose in the basement (where drain is) or outside in
the backyard) and blast away any cages or anything that is hard to scrub
or polish.  The water comes out in very hot temperatures (depends on type
of machines you buy) so it kills anything in the cages, etc.  I just put
cages with two good, strong rubber covered metal powerful clamps onto a
wall to prevent the cages from flying at the strong water current spray.
I encourage anyone to buy those machines because they're godsend.
Cheapest are at Target.  Otherwises, check at Home Depot.  I just
unpacked all of my stuff from storage and it's a godsend to have it
again!  If you don't or can't afford one, go to car wash once in a while
and boom-blast using the carwash sprayguns.  You'd be amazed to see your
cages looking like brand new cages once again especially at the corners
that is virtually impossible to scrub sometimes.  I only use special
chemical products in situations of an outbreak emergency which it has
never happened (only mites outbreak, thank heavens).  Just thought to
pass those tips.  Any questions about those things, feel free to ask. :)
April Crompton
Deb Bistodeau
[Posted in FML issue 4692]