OK, short & sweet!-----what Moxie & Nexus said yesterday just about sums
up the 'pelt problem' .  We all have the right to say what we want, as I
did, & as did others.  E-BAY'S NOT following some of it's OWN policies.
"OUR" opinions should be directed to ebay, as they created this influx of
opinions!  As a whole, we should contact them, whether 'pro' or 'con',
and inform them, & say that, " As a comercial Co.," they should review
their 'past' dealings' as it pertains to policy, and pay closer attention
to 'future' postings!!!  that's it!  We all have our own, free thinking
minds, and OUR discussions may change things for the better, " whether
it needs changing or not"!!
thank you.
john r. & the gang.  jdr.
[Posted in FML issue 4683]