I gotta jump on the Midwest bandwagon too.  I had a midwest until the
time when we were in Vegas for my daughter's 21st b-day 1 1/2 years ago.
God let me win just enough to buy a really cool, & larger house for my
darlins.  The new house(I don't like the word cage very much.) was
$279.99 and I left that casino with $276.00!!  I had asked for a little
divine intervention before I hit the slots.  I asked Him, Okay, I don't
need to win millions but please, could you please, just let me win enough
to get my babies a bigger house.  Benny(my hubbie) had heard me say this.
He was stunned when that I left that casino with enough to get the bigger
home.  Ain't that jest the coolest thing??  Actually, I was stunned too
as I NEVER win anything more than $5.00 in Vegas!!.  This isn't really on
the topic of the Midwest ferret homes y'all are concerned with, but it
was a story I wanted to share & I thought would enjoy.
Actually, there is a connection that that leads back to your concerns.  I
had a midwest as well, as I previously mentioned.  I too was concerned
with those long falls that end with a thud and a shaken up fertie.  What
I did was place hammies in front of, and a little bit lower than the
shelves(should you have shelves).  Then, down a bit lower , I would put
a shelf that they could walk right on to.  I would continue this
arrangement of hammies and shelves.  putting all hammies and shelves
close enough to each other so that IF they fell, they would have to work
very hard at it.  Some of the larger hammies I arranged to go partly
under a shelf and then the rest would be exposed for sleeping ,or for use
as a way to climb up or down., or to just be rowdy!  All of these hammies
placed strategically were great to catch those, "nothing else matters in
my fertie world than chompin' on my friend's ear and being so wrapped up
in wrestling that we fall of the hammie!" mishaps!  The hammies were used
as saftey nets and a lso provided more sleeping places.  This, hammies as
saftey nets system, I have in place in their newer, bigger home.  I
had it ready before they first placed their tiny little paws over the
thresh-hold.  It is even more important now, as the new home is taller
than the midwest they had before, and falls now, would be longer and the
landings harder.  My pertie ferties have been in this home now for a
little over a year .  To my knowledge (Fertie Moms can see everything, ya
know!)there has not been one fall that was not caught by a saftey hammie.
If you should try this, I am pretty sure that you will no longer have
those long, very scary,( for you & your fert), falls.  However, this is
just a way that I dealt with falls.  I'm sure there are many, many other
ways out there.  Maybe putting a bungee cord on your ferret so that if he
falls from the top shelf, he won't hit the bottom, he'll just bounce
right up!  Or maybe having them wear little parachutes, though it might
be tricky teaching them how & when to pull the cord!  Okay, sorry, those
images just popped in my head and into my fingers, & I just had to type
them!  Seriously, the hammie thing is just a system that really worked
for me and my fuzz-kids.  There are probably lots of other ways that
could be tried.  What ever you use, it's a really good feeling knowing
and being secure with the feeling that your ferrets are safe.
Dooks to You All,
Sue & Crew.....Da Guys: Sammy, Chance, & Storm
               The Girls:  Nikki, Oskey, & Annie
[Posted in FML issue 4688]