Never ever use chemicals around pets.  Most of all Lysole.  Read the
bottle for cautions.  Use to be never use around cats, so can just imagen
a little Ferret.  There are books with nateral cleaning remidies in them.
One is home remidies.  Have had pets all my life so never use chemicals
to clean.  For mice just clean more.  What about a trap instead of
thinking poison right a way.  You can get live traps then release else
As far as introducing Ferrets and cats make sure you always keep cats
nails trime.  About once a month verse every 2 to 3 weeks for the
Ferrets.  Our one cat caught a Ferrets ear, Ferret got a Hematose, had
to go to the vets every day for about a week to have his ear drained.
So careful with kitties.
Carol and the 9  Love Muffins
[Posted in FML issue 4688]