As most of you know I do a lot of posting and web work for Lakeroad
Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter and I want to pass along an e-mail that was
sent between shelter mom Brenda and Darbie.  They both have agreed to
let me share this with the FML.  The e-mail will show you why shelter
moms are a very special breed and the way they share thier vast knowledge
to those who ask.
In the original e-mail to shelter mom Brenda, Darbie asked the best way
to give meds to her ferrets as she was having a problem getting Hebert
to take his meds.  Brenda replied to her and this is what Darbie sent to
Brenda and her reply.
(She was feeding him MF original duck soup and Herbert was not improving.
Darbie called Mary ( Brockport Vets) Mary told her to get in touch with
me for some shelter soup.)
Hebert is doing well.........I have to say I thought you were crazy
putting the meds in the soup....I thought for sure he would smell that
right away....but he didn't........he absolutely loves the soup......and
it is 1000 times easier!!!  he eats every bit!!!!!  he was out and about
today looking up at me like HEY WHERES THE SOUP!!....does my heart good
to see him moving about normally.  I was up at 4 am and gave him some (it
was the first since I froze it) It took minutes!!!  I felt like something
was missing was too easy!!  what a relief!!!!!!
this is what I live for; to keep the babies healthy and the moms and dads
happy!!!!!  Thanks for the awesome report!  Yep it is great to get the
kids to eat soup, take meds and there is no fuss, no muss, no bother!
I can not thank you enough..........not only for what you have recently
done but also all of the help and support from the past.  You are
definitely a FERRET guardian angel!!!  and come to think about it a
person guardian angel have also saved me from despair
many times.
You are most welcome!
God bless you Brenda, You really have made a huge difference in our
Thanks I need all the blessings I can get to keep up with all you ferret
moms and dads and my kids too.  LOL I am so very pleased things went so
well, you do know you should get the other kids to like soup too so when
they get sick it is already a done deal...that way meds can be
administered without stress on them and YOU!
Shelter moms do this every day along with everything else needed to run
thier shelters and care for the kids in thier shelters.
They are a special group of people in my book always going above and
beyond to help people and all of the furry kids.  Brenda's comment to me
about the e-mail "Do you know I spend days doing the things I do to hear
things like this it makes it all worth while."
Thank You for letting me share this.
[Posted in FML issue 4712]