Everyone who is upset about Petsmart selling ferrets please dont be.  As
a former 3 year employee and owner of 4 ferrets I would like to say a few
things.  Of course they are in the business to make money, they are a
business.  But they are also in the business for the welfare of animals,
hense the name Petsmart..  Petsmart and all other pet store are not in
the business for not properly caring for animals because then they would
have lawsuits, and lawsuits cost lots of money.  Did it ever occur to
anyone that the employees of the company Petsmart are working there
because of their love for animals?  Thats why I worked there.  I think
everyone that works there is there because they love animals, or they
would never have gotten a job there in the first place.  Do you really
think that the ferrets are in any danger.  How can we get all those
people past all their bad stereotypes of ferrets if more people dont own
them Petco has ferrets and they take good care of them.  I know that most
of you are probably upset because of large breeders such as Marshal but
thats life.  There is nothing that can be done about it.  There are
places called puppy mills that are basically the same things in the dog
world.  So please give petsmart a chance and if anyone else would like
to talk about it please email me at [log in to unmask]
 & the 4 carpet sharks
[Posted in FML issue 4711]