We have taken our last three ferrets back to the shelter from which they
came.  We are on our way to sunny ferretless California.  The shelter
that has these wonderful ferrets is way too full, and so are all of the
foster homes.  They need to place several ferrets.  If anyone wants to
protest Petsmart "test" selling ferrets at holiday time, let's adopt
from our local ferret rescue shelters instead.  There are lots of young,
healthy ferrets, and some that require special care.  Many of you know
Juliana Quadrozzi and the FBoG.
Please go to  www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA264.html to see some of them.
Let's open our hearts and our homes to those sweet and silly creatures.
Letting my ferrets go was the hardest thing I've ever done.  I plan to
help the California cause when I arrive and the dust has settled.
Thanks for to everyone on this list for your wonderful stories and
From one very sad ex-ferret-mom, her ferret-loving husband, and her 2
non-furry kids.
[Posted in FML issue 4711]