Hi, all-
This is Sandee, and I am very glad to be back on line!  A few weeks back
the ferretlovers.com site that we post from got updated, and changed its
default preference settings.  Apparently the default prefence was for
posting in HTML, which the FML does not accept.  NONE of our posts were
getting through.  They just bounced into the ether!  Fortunately, BIG
figured out what was going on yesterday,(Thank you BIG!) and now
Saraferret, Muldoone and I can post the Greetings that so many of you
have been waiting patiently for.  It's going to take us a few days to
catch up.
I met a little guy coming across the worn wooden planks of the Rainbow
Bridge.  His name was Ferris, and at first it looked as if he had brought
his luggage with him!  It turned out that he was dragging his favourite
warm, soft sleepy sack along in his teeth.  It looked sort of like a
duffle bag, because it was bulging.  There was something inside, a lot
of something!  I waited for Ferris at the end of the Bridge and wondered
what could possibly be in that sack.  Toys?  Socks?  Shiny things, like
quarters and spoons?  I didn't hear any clanking, so probably not shiny
Ferris walked up to me, dropped his sleepy sack and said "Hi!"I returned
his greeting, and we touched noses briefly.  I didn't want to draw
attention to it, but it felt to me like Ferris had, well...crumbs on his
nose.  It was kind of distracting.  They smelled good!  Like brown sugar,
butter, and other good things.
I tried to pay attention to what I was doing, giving Ferris his new
assigned hammie and wings, but I kept smelling...wonderful things.
Marvelous things, vanilla, eggs, chocolate, RASINS!  Finally Ferris
smiled at my obvious discomfort, and said " I bet you wonder what I have
in my sleepy sack." I admitted that yes, the thought had crossed my mind!
Ferris said "Who says you can't take it with you?  I did!" At that point
he turned and crawled into his slepy sack.  He returned a moment later
with a rich, chewy, sweet smelling chocolate chip cookie, which he
dropped at my feet onto the fresh green grass.
I just stood there staring in awe, as Ferris made another trip into the
bag.  This time he came out with a Pecan Sandie, which he dropped onto
the grass next to the chocolate chip cookie.  Another trip, a Nother
Butter.  Another trip, an oatmeal rasin.  "Rasins!  I love 'em!,said
Well, I found out that three Pecan Sandies is Sandee's limit.  Who knew?
[Posted in FML issue 4677]