Yesterday someone wrote about the Governor of California :"
yep, I'm not surprised.  Mr. S is a conservative!!  He's also from
Austria!  He has charisma instead of common sense!  The only thing he's
lacking is the uniform and the little mustache!"
It seems lately I'm doomed to write about things that nobody but me
believes in, but heck, I don't mind doing it again.
This characterization of Mr. S as Hitler is over the top.  You can get
the point across that you don't agree with the man and you're angry
without resorting to comparing him to Hitler.  Who was, yes, an Austrian,
very charismatic, and had the uniform and the little boots.
Let's compare.  Hitler: 6 million dead jews.  20 million+ dead Russians.
Half of Europe's Gypsies.  Forced labor and death camps for communists,
jews, gays, unwanted political activists, and gypsies.  The German army
left with no winter uniforms or gas in Russia's winter, to die.  (They
did, horribly, in great numbers.  It's not often I feel sorry for a
Nazi.) Krystalnacht.  The S.S., Stalingrad.  The Warsaw ghetto.  The
Hitler Youth.  The rocket bombing of London.  The liquidation of the
Polish officers.  The armed invasions and networks of secret police.
The looting of Europe's art museums.  Europe in ruins.  Anne Frank.
Here is a complete list of Arnold Schwarzenneger's mass murders, war
crimes,ethnic cleansings and foreign conquests:< >.
It's not much of a comparison.  Yes, I'm sure it was meant as a joke and
I must have no sense of humor.  Some things aren't that funny when you
look at them in their proper context.
Alexandra in Massachusetts
(Never thought I'd be an apologist for that meathead.)
[Posted in FML issue 4653]