>Can someone give me an email address for the Governor's office in
>California?  I would like to write a civil, NOT nasty, response to the
>veto of Senate Bill 89.  I live in Alabama, but I'd like to respond to
>let the governor know that we don't have problems with the environment
>or citizens' health due to ferrets being legalized.
I am planning on doing something similar.
I am an ex-Californian.  I left for Washington state a few years ago.
One of the reasons is the government here is smaller.  There are more
freedoms -- like the freedom to own a ferret!  I do not want to
politicize this discussion, but to further illustrate the difference
between states I will mention that in WA it is also easy to get a permit
to carry a weapon.  We are more free here, and some of those freedoms
certainly seem alien to Californians.
By itself, SB89 is a small issue, impacting only a handful of
Californians.  But it is a critical symbol of where government in CA has
gone wrong.  Government needs a darn good reason before it takes a
freedom away from the people.  The value of a government is not measured
by the number of regulations it enforces.
I miss a lot of things about California, but at heart I guess I am not a
Californian anymore.  I value my freedom too much, and I will be writing
the governor to tell him that.
- Matt S.
[Posted in FML issue 4653]