Hello one and all.
Sorry I haven't updated you but after two direct hits (hurricane Frances
and Jeanne) things have been very, very busy here.
The good news, our insurance claim has been filed (don't know if they
will send us money, how much or lord knows when).  Two little ferrets we
got a week ago Sunday have been renamed: The blaze is now officially
"Charles," and the little girl who looks like some strange pinto pony
(ferret size and long) is "Sarah" both are doing very well.  We expect
one or two more to come in the next week or so.
Also on the good news front: we taped the screen porch up, Larry put tar
on the roof and as soon as we can locate all the roof holes we are going
to patch them (don't know when we will get the new roof).  Larry also put
up two new sections of Lattice on the garage and it looks good.  The
garage roof is still leaking and the back wall of the house still needs
to be replaced.  Still have to have most of our ceilings torn out and
replaced.  A very nice lady from North Carolina sent us some wonderful
stuff to help control the fungus among us as well and clean the mold and
clean the cages.  We also received some Obogan (spelling) from Duck Lite
and it is the best all around cleaner in the world for the ferrets play
room floor.  The winter playroom (use to be a nice screened in porch) was
demolished have no idea when that will be fixed.  Larry says he is sure
we will get an insurance check -- but getting everything fixed may take
6 months to a year; reason; lots of homes in our country are either
uninhabitable, or very badly damaged.  Thank heavens we are out of the
rainy season or we would be in big trouble with the leaks!
I haven't made much head way on my thank you notes -- so everyone just
hang in there I am so appreciative of the many donations both monetary
and things like snacks, cleaning stuff, bedding for the ferrets, medicine
for the ferrets, toys for them and their very own bath towels.
Without your help it would have been so awful down here.  I especially
love the cards and letters you sent.
One more great thing!  Last Saturday I went to the Grocery store (Publix)
and was actually able to purchase EVERYTHING on my list!  Hey we even had
a good selection of meat for Larry!  I got fish and lots of veggies for
me.  Wow, you don't realize how great a convenience a grocery store is
until your grocery store doesn't have many groceries in stock.
The not so good thing.  About 4 days after Jeanne hit I broke out in a
horrible rash with bumps from head to toe -- it was just awful - I looked
like one big zit.  Had to go to the Doctor - to much stress I had broken
into hives.  Thanks to the wonderful medicine Medicinewoman had sent the
hives have trickled down to only about 6 on my face.  The doctor who saw
me wanted to give me some heavy duty medication -- but I would be zoned
our for days and my gosh I have animal to care for not to mention work
and a house to set in order.  I got the prescription but didn't take it -
I used the things Medicinewoman sent me and they worked.
Funny things:
You never knew how much junk you had hidden in every corner of your house
until a Hurricane hits.
The Garbage men sneer at you and your garbage (solution: hide in the
house do not show yourself to the garbage pickup people).
You never knew how many mosquitos were in your yard, on your porch, in
you garden, till you had no more screens.  Thank heavens people sent
Mosquito repellent and Mosquito coils -- the little suckers hate that.
So what if there are holes and ugly black spots on you ceiling -- it
livens up the place.
You thought the house across the street was and eyesore -- well, well,
well, they demolished the place and now you get to looks at trash, with a
lake view except you also see that big old packing house.  And guess what
they are going to demolish two more house's across the street -- what a
fabulous view you will have then!
The gawkers showed up about two weeks ago and there are at least four a
day.  You run out of the house -- what if it is the insurance man with
the check -- you are disappointed repeatedly.
You no longer look at the Weather Channel - you and the Weather Channel
Something is living under your house, you are lulled to sleep at night by
the scratching sound; you are glad because that means some of the outside
wild beasties made it!
Your ferrets have decided you are the best Shelter Mom in the world --
someone sent ferret chicken sticks chews -- but hey you don't have to
tell the ferts it wasn't you.
You are a rotten person -- you ask your friend across the street who's
home was condemned if you could have her doors -- and she agreed.  Now
you have new doors in you house but your friend has moved to Ohio.
You have taken to going though other people garbage -- you an official
garbage thief.
Well, I've got to go work on the house and play with the ferrets.  Again,
thank you all so much for helping us out.  It's going to take a while but
at least we are on our way to recovery.
Chere  McCoy
Ferret Friends of Indian River County
8775 20th Street, Lot  614
Vero Beach, FL 32966-3065
A "NO KILL" shelter since January 1991
[Posted in FML issue 4674]