You know, i couldn't help but laugh when I opened up the latest Ferrets
issue and noticed a few familiar faces...I saw Deb Carlson was in
there....Bob Church (wearing a hawiian shirt) funny, read an article
written by Dr Murray...
It was even more entertaining telling a good friend that I knew over half
of the names mentioned in that magazine...He didn't believe me, so I
enlightened him a little bit...
I know i've taken a back seat lately here in the last 6 months...but I've
been checking up on the topics here and there...
My new adventures will have me in Jacksonville, FL for the next two
months then after that it's off to Hawaii...woo hoo!!
I took me a week leave (vacation) and came home and I've been enjoying
doing absolutely nothing...ahh memories hehe....
Jenny (my fathers ferret) has gained some weight since I brought her
home two months ago from Wes and Susan at the Ferret & dove sanctuary in
Pensacola, and she has become quite the little lap ferret.  I dont think
she knows how spoiled rotten she is...Dad has her in her own bedroom
(9x14)(free roam) with a baby gate type board in front of the door.  She
has her own little tunnel system, a few nesting boxes here and there, a
big blanket to cuddle in, and toys scattered everywhere.  She has been
really good about going in the litter boxes, with an occasional miss.
Dad has his computer in her room too (where he spends most of his time
anyways) so she gets to see him 3-4 hours a day at least.  Strange thing
is, she doesn't like to cause trouble...she doesn't try jumping over the
gate, or dig at the ground, or try getting on the computer desk, she's
just happy with her area.
well, just wanted to say hello to everyone, and I'll try and keep in
touch more often...
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles + Rosie at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4673]