There certainly is a solution, and it's called PU surgery.  I forget what
the acronym stands for, but, in layman's terms, the procedure re-routes
the plumbing so that a boy ferret can "pee like a girl."  Rather than the
urine passing through the urethra in the penis, which is very narrow, a
new orifice is created near the anus through which the urine exits the
Two of my ferrets had PU surgery.  One had recurring kidney stones that
kept blocking him, and the other had an enlarged prostate due to an
adrenal tumor.  It worked very well for both of them, completely solving
their problem, although one of them "leaked" a bit when he got very old.
I also think you would benefit from a vet that is more experienced with
Good luck,
[Posted in FML issue 4673]