hi there,
ever since I was 12 I have always wanted a ferret ever since I saw a guy
walking one through our school yard I was so curious about these strange
but so cute little creatures I asked my mum but she said NO.  I was
deverstated I really wanted one.  Now I live on my own in my flat I kinda
forgotton about getting untill I became a memeber on a forum about pets
and I noticed a forum about ferrets so I wnet in to have a look I looked
at some of the pictures and striaght away wanted one again so I asked
people questions about them and did lots of research and thought they
were the pet for me.  so after this I got in touch with some breeders and
finaly found one near to me.  On the saturday I went down to collect him
I was so excited building up to it and the half an hour trip seem to take
forever.  he is a albino hob and is very friendly perfect.  when I
arrived there altho everything was clean and the ferrets were healthy
they were kept in hutches outside which I don't think they should be I
took him home and let him have a roam around he was everything I ever
wanted as a pet.
But a month past and I knew something was missing a friend for him so I
immediatetly started trying to get him a play mate.  I got a messgae on
my phone of some person who had two I was'nt sure on this but I went for
it.  the person dropped them off to my home they too were kept in a hutch
outside.  they had no toys and were'nt allowed outside the cage.  when i
got them two I let them have a roam around my appartment.
A week after getting them and when they had been tested I introduced them
to calvin my other he was so excite and they all got along great.  they
play together and clean eachother and curl up together to go sleep my
family is now complete.
I have had my new family for 3 months now and I have just recently bought
them a new cage its taller than me with 5 floors its great they love it
and think its a big play pen and when I let them out to play around my
appartment they even like to stay inside the cage and play.
[Posted in FML issue 4673]