I know you are all getting tired of hearing from me, but this is too sad
not to share with you.
Last night, eight ferrets were found in a park in Mississauga.  They were
found near where we had been searching for the two ferrets abandon on
Thanksgiving.  All but one are babies, approximately three months old.
Five of the eight ferrets arrived alive.
Three of the kids are dead.  The 1st appears to be dead as a result of
another animal attack.  The second has been run over by a car and his
little face is crushed.  The last of the ferrets, we believe to be one
of the original Thanksgiving ferrets.  She is a white female who appears
to have died from starvation.  Her little bottom is covered in diarrhea
and she is skin and bone.
These three kids will receive a proper private cremation and live with
the rest of the ferrets that have crossed the Bridge before them.  They
also have been named.  The little girl who starved will be called Beauty.
The little boy who was killed by another animal is called Prince and the
poor boy with the crushed face will be known as Knight.  Please light a
candle for these poor lost ferrets.
The five ferrets that are still alive look pretty good and are all about
3-4 months old.  We have one male and four females.  None of them are
spayed/neutered.  The boy is called Mu, the girls are Theta, Beta,
Epsilon & Kappa.
The shelter is trying to figure out some fund-raising tactics to help
off set the $2,000 costs of spaying/neutering and vaccinating the kids.
If any other shelter has any ideas, please throw them our way.
There are still two ferrets in the park that were unable to be caught
last night.  Please keep your fingers crossed that they are found before
it is too late.  I know I've said it before, but PLEASE kiss and hold
your furry kids tight and let them know that they are lucky to have you.
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4673]