I'm helping Kristine with the tree.  We would love to add your Shelter
fuzzies to the tree.  We will need pictures (in Jpg form) of each ferret.
If you don't have pictures, we will put a name on the button.  What we
have to have is a description of each ferret, personality, favorite toys,
health issues.  Just a few lines about what ever you find special about
each.  Please send them to me and I will forward them to Kristine when
they are ready to put on the tree.  Thank you :)
Sorry, due to computer problems we are getting a late start this year,
so please send them as soon as possible so all the ferrets will get
their gifts by Christmas.
All the best,
Peggy Alden-Clapper
ferrets and chat
[Posted in FML issue 4672]