we have found, especially when you have to give a med that is liquid,
that dipping the tip of a small syringe (like a insulin syringe)
containing the dose of the med into "chicken soup" works very well... the
patient licks the chicken soup mixture off the syringe tip and you can
inject a small amount of the med along with it.  Repeat as often as you
need to until all the med is given.  This works with pred and pepto and
all the other vile stuff that they hate.  The chicken soup just seems to
mask the flavor just enough.  Be careful not to push too hard on the
syringe tho to avoid giving too much all at once...practice a bit first
if you are unsure...just to see how much fluid comes out of that 1cc or
3cc syringe at a time.  I find that it usually takes about 6-8 dips in
the bowl of chicken soup to get 1cc of med into the patient without any
protest or airlocks or coughing etc.  Going slow is the key...and it
certainly beats scruffing and the fighting that often occurs there.
[Posted in FML issue 4671]