I am finally beginning my work on updating the Lost Ferrets website.
I've decided to begin with the Network itself.  As a reminder, the Lost
Ferrets Network is a list, organized by region and state, of shelters,
groups and individuals who have agreed to make themselves available to
assist if a ferret goes missing in their area.  If you sign up, you won't
be forced on with a flashlight and squeaky toy on cold nights if you
don't want to.  My main goal is to set up a fairly long-ranging network
of caring people willing to lend moral support at the least to those
who've had a fert go missing.  If you can lend your time, so much the
To view the network as it stands, visit here:
Browse through to see if you're already listed and whether your listing
needs updating.  I know some of them badly do.  I've sent emails to all
the last known email addreses I had, and many of them have returned.  I
know some of those people are still around, but I obviously did not get
info corrected as it changed and now I haven't got contact info for
everyone.  If you need to make changes to a listing you already have you
can either just drop me a line at [log in to unmask] or fill out
the form here: http://www.geocities.com/lostferrets/shelter.html#form
I will NOT be updating the Network pages currently available at the above
listed addresses.  I am working on transfering the old pages over to
their new home at lostferrets.lothruin.com.  I will be updating the
Network info during that process.  It should not be a long one.  Please
be prepared to update any bookmarks you may have, and if you'd like to
include reciprocating links on your website, the new address will be the
one to use.  I can provide banners if desired.
I'll be working on other areas of the website as time permits.  I'll
probably be sending out more invitational emails in the near future, for
participation in other areas of the site.
Melissa Rotert
[Posted in FML issue 4670]