I read that story yesterday about the "Sad Story" where the ferrets were
fed aspirin to allow blood thinning and cuts so they would bleed to
Have heard so many sickening sad stories of what people do to animals.
Is difficult to believe we are in the USA and not in Saddam's arena where
his people behave like that.  Animals are innocent.  We all get attached
to pets, for myself I am presently attached to ferrets.  They are such
fun and innocent little animals.
Is a shame stores will sell a ferret or any pet to anyone that plunks the
money down.  New owners are not tested or advised on proper feed, care,
needs or other necessary knowledge of keeping a pet.  Ferrets seem to
come out on the short end of the stick where so few people know much at
all about them unlike a cat or dog that can be easily fed.
Just a sickening shame all these horror stories I hear.  Seems to be
no way to curb the creation of these events other than we of the FML
keeping our eyes and ears open to educate anyone who will listen and
to take charge to care for an animal that is not in the best of care.
I have rescued 9 ferrets so far.  Have lost all but one and Byte-me is my
original ferret !  She is getting old and is feeling her age.  She still
comes to me for attention and 'tells' me things with her behavior.  I
still learn about these little guys as time goes on.  Those that passed
on are sorely missed, even the one that I did not like is missed dearly.
Gordon and Byte-me
Missing Podo, Bud, Nibble-ed and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 4668]