Wow...that's really all i can say right now...Today was the first night
I actually get to leave the barracks, wear civillian clothes, and have
"some" liberty time...Once we got word that Ivan was coming our way on
Monday, the whole base evacuated on tuesday.  (they evacuated over 2000
students)Myself and 40 others went to West Florida High school, where we
helped out at the shelter, and with 700+ people sharing two bathrooms
with no sewage....and thankfully some porta-potties later on, it wasn't
very pretty...I eventually got to take a shower on Sunday after we left
the shelter Thursday night and went to a base shelter where they had a
generator (if you call pouring a bottled water over your face a shower)
Friday morning we all got up bright and early at 4 am and went to the
airfield, and spent all day cleaning it up so they could land some planes
to bring MUCH needed supplies (blood for the hospital especially!)
We spent the next week doing plenty of "working parties" and believe me,
it wasn't a party lol!  If anyone has ever had a Heater Meal...let me
tell you...NEVER AGAIN!!!!  uugh....lasagna with corn in it...:( so after
eating those (well i didnt) for 4 days we finally got to go to a galley
and eat some "slap together" food, which was a GREAT!
Now we're back on base again, and happy to be home...But you know
what....If I had the chance to do all that work over again, i would have
in a heart beat, because I know we all made a difference....Everyone has
pulled together for hurricane Ivan, and I'm glad I was here to experience
that :)
well, i hope everyone else is doing good...oh by the way...i'm getting
stationed in hawaii!!!  yaay :)
-valerie wahoski
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles + Rosie at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4653]