What kind of diet is good for a ferret with kidney problems?
My Ruby had adrenal surgery, with nodules removed from pancreas and
messantery lymph gland (waiting for biopsy) and has a hard time bouncing
back.  It's been 8 days now since surgery.
Her kidney function test was elevated.  The rest of the labs (CBC, Chem,
glucose) so far were good, this was yesterday.
My vet left a message on my machine about the labs (I got home late from
work) and I am calling him first thing in the a.m.  He said to push the
fluids, so I'm going to and sub q her also.  She was on Amoxi and now is
on clavamox and carafate.  I am giving her both water and pedilyte
She also has a strange bruise which has turned into a shallow lump about
the size of a half dollar under neath on her neck.  Maybe an infection??
My vet and I are baffled, he never drew blood there and she wasn't
injured there that I know of.  It appeared 1 day after surgery as a
bruise and then 4-5 days later developed into the lump.
So if anyone has any ideas on this weird lump or any advice to give about
any of this, I would appreciate it.
P.S it has been 8 days post op and Ruby finally ate some kibble on her
own.  2 pieces.  I have been feeding and watering her around the clock.
(chicken baby food, ground up ferret kibble, A and D canned food and
ferretvite) I have had my mom help when I work.  I haven't slept more
than 3 hours at a time, I sure hope she gets better soon.  She finally
showed some energy and was bright eyed this p.M, so I am hopefull.
Please say a prayer for her.
[Posted in FML issue 4665]