On our Hurricane site they are joking about me selling my "ash" (i live
near Mt St Helens) to raise funds.... (YES,i've lost 60 lbs! lmbo!)
Maybe this new "Ferrets do porn" idea is a BETTER one.....??????
Who's game,lol;-))
C'mon Wolfy........hehehe
Tara...kinda just not right..;))
---- Cool.  Ash??  Hmm.
Have you ever seen that hysterical site where someone had toys doing
porn?  Barbies posed in positions?  Or furniture posed in porn??  Too
funny.  As funny as the term is "Ferrets Do Porn" is, you're right.  We
are just not right picturing a website like that!  Lol.  I never thought
of our angelic babies as doing anything that was anything other than
angelic.  The thought of a picture of a ferret cleaning it's behind as
being anything else but that, or of butt sniffing as being some sort of
anal fixation is ........ yeeeeesh.  ::slapping myself for such twisted
examples:: Did you hear that?  That was the cosmic cracking sound from my
hand slapping my own face.  Besides the fact that it's sick ... wouldn't
beastiality police come after us?  Oh wait.  What am I thinking?  We're
talking the internet.  ::rolling my eyes::
Wolfy, sick and twisted
[Posted in FML issue 4663]