Thank You to all who wrote to help with the baby ferret when she was ill
and very close to death.  Both she and the other little girl...the lovely
red headed kissing ferret with tiny white toes..  have a new mommy and
daddy who appear knowledgable and loving.
Mini-Me was very excited today that there were no intruders she had to
try and attack this morning.  She still cannot believe it, and is going
around from room to room to sniff out the horrible trespassing babies.
Then she wants to be held again.
This has been a strain for both of us, as I have had to basically lock
her in another room most of the time.  I seriously think she would have
killed tha babies if she could have.  HER tiny body shook most of the
time I went to pick her up.  Today..there was no bristled tail or
trembling body.
Again..I never would have taken in a baby female ferret if it had not
been a matter of life or death.  I thank the good people who have taken
in the babies.  I miss them, and cried a little, and feel the emptiness
in the air this morning.  But now the babies will have their own room,
lots of toys, others to play with.  And no ferret will seek every day
to try and hurt them.
My friend with cancer is doing well.  Docs think they may have gotten all
of the cancer out.  So I am off to Florida.  I was unable to reach, via
E-mail, the ferret shelter closest to my friends.  But they themselves
will need alot of help.
*Please do not send any e-mails for a week. *
On a sad note..Christopher Reeves is dead.  He was our American
superhero; Super Man.  To go from having health, wealth, great looks,
fame, and a glowing future in theater and movies to being paralyzed...
It left a knot in my stomach, as it made me think of all the others
paralyzed without his money, nurses, finest care or loving family.  His
high profile and persona gave him the ability to inspire us to look for hold up hope...using his paralysis as our cause.
Today, my heart most especially goes out to all that are so disabled and
without support or care or love that fall through the cracks of our
[Posted in FML issue 4663]